18 May

Dispelling a common myth is essential if you suffer from impacted wisdom teeth. The wisdom tooth does not bring the wisdom and sensibility suggested by the elders in ancient times.  At times, wisdom teeth emerge in line with the rest of your teeth and do not result in any issues. They may get stuck partially in your gums or jawbone, a condition known as impaction. Wisdom teeth that are affected can lead to several dental problems, such as cavities, gum disease, and infection, so wisdom teeth extraction in Houston TXis necessary. To know about it continue reading the article.

What has impacted wisdom teeth?

This knowledge will empower you to make informed decisions about your dental health. Wisdom teeth are concealed beneath your gum line. A partially impacted wisdom tooth is somewhat visible because some of it has come through the gum. Wisdom teeth that have not been impacted have pushed through and are fully exposed above the gum line. It should be emphasized that wisdom teeth, even if not causing any issues, can still lead to problems, as the best cosmetic dentist in Houston suggests.

What are the signs of the condition?

Specific individuals may not experience issues with their impacted wisdom teeth, while others will display symptoms. Symptoms like pain and swelling can occur if the tooth is infected or causing other problems. Discomfort or inflammation in the area surrounding the jaw gums that is red, swollen, or bleeding; foul breath; a bitter flavor in your mouth; and difficulty opening your mouth. In some instances, the impacted tooth may not emerge through the gum. 

What are the various kinds of impacted wisdom teeth?

Impacted wisdom teeth removal exist in four different types. Each tooth's position corresponds to a specific type.

  •  The most common type is mesial impaction, which happens when your wisdom tooth is positioned towards the front of your mouth. So, get the proper treatment by wisdom tooth extraction in houston, according to your budget.
  •  Distal impaction, the least common type, occurs when the wisdom tooth is positioned at the back of the mouth.
  •  Vertical impaction occurs when the wisdom tooth is positioned correctly for coming out yet remains stuck below the gum line.
  •  When your wisdom tooth is entirely on its side and stuck under your gums, it is called horizontal impaction.

What are the ways to treat the impacted wisdom tooth?

The dentist will extract the wisdom tooth by numbing your mouth and giving anesthesia by a specialized doctor. It is necessary to treat it at the right time so that the infection cannot spread to other nearby teeth. While operating, the surgeon will incise your gums and extract the problematic bone before extracting the tooth. The incision will be sealed with stitches and filled with gauze. 

Typically, the complete surgical procedure lasts around 30 to 60 minutes. 

If your teeth are completely impacted and deeply embedded in your gums or jawbone, it may be more challenging for your surgeon to extract them than if they have erupted through the gum.

In conclusion 

This article states all the significant things you need to know about impacted wisdom tooth removal. By getting a consultation from the dentist, you can get an explanation of the treatment so that you can trust the doctor and be aware of the process that will be about to happen to you. So, it would be best to ask about the cost of the treatment so that you can be prepared with the budget, and if you feel that it will be too much, then contact an affordable dentist in Houston Texas.  

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