Crown lengthening is a reasonable dental technique that reshapes the gum and bone tissues, enveloping the tooth to uncover more of the tooth’s structure.
This crown lengthening procedure is usually used by the dentist in houston to feast gummy smiles, where extra gum tissue covers many teeth, making them seem short. It can also facilitate the placement of dental crowns, access to in-depth excavations, or tooth decay.
It's crucial to keep oral hygiene. You will obtain instructions from your dentist on how to do this without endangering your gums as they recover.
After the surgery, you may have some slight despair, but this is ordinarily tolerable with over-the-counter pain medication suggested by the best dentist in houston tx.
You must follow a soft diet for a short period to prevent pressure on your gums. Consider soup, yoghurt, and mashed potatoes.
A stunning smile will boost your confidence. You won't have to keep your gooey smile hidden.
Crown lengthening surgery can permanently correct your gum-filled smile. After the healing process is finished, you'll be able to enjoy your beautiful smile for many years.
Getting rid of extra gum tissue makes it simpler to practice proper dental hygiene. Gum disease is less likely because it is easier to clean your teeth.
The most obvious advantage is that it makes your smile seem better. Your smile will look better since more of your teeth and less of your gums will be seen.
Local Anesthesia: You will receive a local anaesthetic on the day of the treatment to make sure you are pain-free. It is comparable to having a cavity filled at the dentist.
More of your teeth will be seen once the dentist skillfully removes extra gum tissue. It resembles pruning a hedge to give it a tidy appearance.
The dentist may occasionally modify the underlying bone to achieve the optimum results. Because of the anaesthetic, this step doesn't hurt.
The first step is to prepare an appointment with an affordable dentist in houston who will evaluate your situation and go over the remedy with you. Stitches:
Your dentist will use stitches to close the incisions after altering the gums and, if vital, the bone. As you recuperate, these stitches will fall out on their own.
This procedure commonly functions for functional and cosmetic reasons, such as removing excess gum tissue, managing a “gummy smile,” preparing the tooth for a dental crown, or dining decayed, broken, or discoloured teeth. Comprehending what to expect during the crown lengthening treatment makes patients feel knowledgeable and prepared for the strategy. For more knowledge, You must visit the dentist open on saturday in houston.