10 Jan

Houston cosmetic dentist replaces the tooth roots during dental implant surgery with metal posts resembling screws. Artificial teeth that look and function like natural teeth are used to replace missing or damaged teeth. Dental implant surgery might be a welcome alternative when insufficient natural tooth roots make dentures or bridgework teeth replacements possible.

Why do they perform this procedure? 

Dental implants near me are the roots of missing teeth that dentists surgically inserts into your jawbone. Since the titanium in the dental implants fuses with your jawbone, they won't slip, make noise, or injure your bone the way permanent bridgework or dentures might. The materials also won't decay, unlike your teeth, which support conventional bridgework. In general, you might benefit from a dental implant near me if you:

  • Losing one or more teeth
  • possess a jawbone that has completed its growing
  • include sufficient bone to support and hold the implants or have entrance to a bone graft
  • Have healthy oral tissues
  • Don't have any health problems that could interfere with bone healing
  • Who cannot or will not wear dentures

What are the risk factors of dental implant surgery? 

According to family cosmetic dentistry, dental implant surgery carries various health concerns like any other procedure. Though they are uncommon, they are often small and manageable when they arise. Risks consist of:

  • The implant location is infected.
  • Nearby structures, including other teeth or blood vessels, may also suffer harm or damage.
  • Damage to the nerves that control your natural teeth, gums, lips, and chin may result in pain, numbness, or tingling.
  • When dental implants in the upper jaw invade a sinus cavity, it might cause sinus issues.

How do dentists prepare for a dental implant procedure? 

The planning process for dental implants may involve several specialists. These best orthodontists near me treat the structures that support the teeth, such as the gums and bones, mouth, jaw, and face. As one or more surgical operations are necessary for dental implants, you must undergo a complete evaluation to get ready for the treatment, which should include the following:

  • A detailed examination of the teeth. You might get dental X-rays, 3D imaging, and model-making for your teeth and jaw.
  • Review your medical background. Any medical problems you have, along with any medication, OTC, and dietary supplement use, should be discussed with your doctor. 
  • Treatment plan. A dentist that are open on Saturday near me will customize this plan for your needs. They'll consider how many teeth they need to replace and the health of your jawbone and remaining teeth.

What about pain management? 

Local, sedative or general anesthesia are anesthetic methods available during surgery to control pain. It would be best if you discussed the ideal choice with your dental specialist. According to the type of anesthetic you receive, your dental care team will suggest what to eat and drink before the surgery. You should arrange for someone to drive you back home after the surgery if you are under sedation or general anesthesia and plan to rest the rest of the day.


The above article talks about various essential factors regarding dental implants. For more valuable information, please visit urbndental.com. 

Article source: https://www.articleapprove.com/what-is-dental-implant-surgery/

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